Time to announce my upcoming trip back to the orphanages in Myanmar!

In the next 60 days, I will be returning to the orphanages in Myanamar to deliver much needed rice and supplies. I estimate the landing time to be in the month of September. I will plan to visit the orphanages of Yangon, Kalaymio and hopefully Chin State. Many of the orphanages have been running low on rice and have been requesting help. I hope to deliver nearly 1000 to 2000 lbs of rice to each of the orphanages, depending on size. Your donations are critical at this point. Monies are needed to pay for the large amounts of rice that will be needed to supply these orphanages and buy extras such as clothing, mosquito netting, and supplies for each orphanage. Pictures and updates will be added to this page from Myanmar during this trip. Please donate today to fill every rice bowl!